NOTE: For those few of you who have come before, you'll notice a change in the name of my site. I did this to avoid confusion with a journalist in my area who has a website and column of the same name. I felt I wasn't acting with integrity by cribbing her title for use on my little corner of cyberspace, so this one is new and improved and all mine!
I decieded to put a personal web page and blog out there for the whole world to see. It's a way to validate my existence on this planet. Same thing with mail. I LOVE getting mail. It means that I actually exist. I think that's why I like to order online. Getting somthing from the UPS guy actually means that there is someone of substance living in this skin. I'm kinda addicted to getting stuff in the mail. I don't care what it is, if it is addressed specifically to me, I feel important and alive. I might be abnormal, and I may need help! :-)
I recently entered and started the Body-for-Life challenge. I'm a sorry sack of flab now, but in 12 weeks, we'll see what I'm really made of (and no, it's not Krispy Kremes :-P).
Ironically enough, while I need to be strict with my nutrition on Body-for-Life, I'm also a consultant for a national gourmet food company that does home taste-testing parties. Thank goodness for free day!
One of my hobbies is designing web pages, but I only do them for myself. I tried doing some for real, but it took all the fun out of it. Yet I'm using a template on this one because I want to focus more on content, and less on bells and whistles! This really goes along with my obsession for the internet. My desk chair has a permanent butt dent from the many hours I spend on here each day.
So, have a look-see and enjoy. I'm setting up a blog to document my progress on BFL, and also as a sort of personal journal. I've never been able to keep a journal up, and since I love being on the computer, I might just keep at it. If you are interested in BFL, or fitness and health in general, I will post articles and links to items of interest. Along with that, I will post things that I find mildly interesting (although knowing the way my mind thinks, for you, it might be like watching paint dry). If you want to let me know how much you think this site stinks, please don't write. Everyone else can click on the Contact Me link to drop me a note. :-P